Privacy Policy
Last Updated on August 19, 2022
Privacy Policy Information


just your informations

The data you enter at we use them for sending you an item you buy in our shop. We use the information to send you the item you buy from us. In order for us to send you a product, we need your NAME, ADDRESS, EMAIL, TELEPHONE NUMBER, and PAYMENT CARD. That way, we can send you an item and make an invoice.


about disclosure

We do not cooperate with other companies and share no data with anyone. No 3rd man gets your information informed by us. All data is encrypted and nobody has permission for them other than yourself.


net safety

All data entered on our website will be encrypted and can not be viewed or retrieved by other companies. No one has access to this data about your information. And in no way can be disclosed.


visit us
PO BOX 728 Maple Ridge STN Whonnock
Whonnock BC V2W 0C9.
Phone: 16044620127


storage information store your data for the time allowed by law and we delete them when they are no longer necessary. The period depends on the nature of the information and the background for storage. Therefore, it is not possible to specify a general timeframe for when information is deleted. Do you want your data information deleted from us. Can you get your data deleted at any time by notifying us?


eat a cookie

Cookies tell us if you – or rather your computer, phone, or tablet – have visited before which pages read, which operating system and browser you use, etc. We use this to improve our content both editorially and technically. At the same time, we also use cookies to enhance the user experience on the site. A cookie is a data file that we put on your computer to keep track of what happens during your visit and to approve your computer. A cookie is NOT a program or a virus file in any way. You can always block cookies from your own computer.


no complaints
You are entitled to know what personal information we are processing about you. You may also object to the use of your information at any time. You may also revoke your consent. If you would like to complain about our processing of your personal information, you also have the opportunity to contact the Data Inspectorate.


add your duty sir reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time. If changes are made that may affect you as previously purchased significantly, you will of course be notified accordingly. mail. The current terms and conditions will always be available in an updated version of our website. Raidzap accepts any typing and/or printing errors on the website and can not be held responsible. We strive for our site to be available 24 hours a day, but for many reasons, we can not guarantee that the pages are in full operation and error-free of charge. cannot be held liable for any consequences due to the use of the website such as damage to your computer system or loss of your data

Thanks so much for visiting,
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